GREEN ITALY provides its partners customized chemical solutions and on- site expert technical services in:
√ Oil & Gas,
√ Energy Production,
√ Steel Mill,
√ Water Treatment,
√ Food and
√ other industrial Sectors.
“Help customers increase their profits and save the environment”
therefore, more than a specific product we sell solutions, which are based on our consolidated international experience capable of:
A. Analyze the industrial plant performances to understand the cause of the problems.
B. Check whether the system can be made to work better, with different values of the operating parameters.
C. Suggest investments with rapid economic return to allow the client to work with greater profit and less risk.
GREEN ITALY provides its partners customized chemical solutions and on- site expert technical services in:
√ Oil & Gas,
√ Energy Production,
√ Steel Mill,
√ Water Treatment,
√ Food and
√ other industrial Sectors.
Extensive experience in analyzing all the aspects of the plant performances: chemical and process solutions, mechanical and instrumentation improvement, with capability of process simulation give us the possibility to suggest low cost investment solution able to improve process performances
GREEN ITALY has a very big and consolidated experience in supplying Spare Parts and Equipment of the most important International Brand, because we had acquired a company with more than 50 years of successful experience in this market field worldwide.
GREEN ITALY is specialized in the development of injection & dosing systems for chemicals, designed by introducing innovative concepts that allow to ensure the best results and guarantee the optimal concentration and mixing of the chemicals in different operating conditions.
The use of on-line analyzers allows to control the process and to adapt the dosages to the actual needs.